Organic, Pasture-for-Life Beef Bones


Pasture-for-Life & Organically certified from our Aberdeen Angus cattle. Bone broth is an excellent source of nutrition particularly grain-free and organic. We cut them by-hand into ap 4″ pieces to fit into most medium sized stock pots. Your bone pack will include a selection of beef bones including marrow bones.

Please be aware these may have been previously frozen by us to manage quantities.  They will come to you thawed and ready-to-cook.


Weight: 2.0kg bags

Please note that due to the popularity of our Beef Bones we are currently having to limit orders to 2 x 2kg packs.

HOW TO MAKE BONE BROTH: Add 1.5l of water to each 1.0kg of bones. You can also add a good glug of organic apple cider vinegar which helps to release minerals and trace elements from the bone. Gently simmer the bones for 24 – 36 hours to create a highly nutritious soup base. Once boiled cool them and remove all the marrow, meat and cartiledge from the bones and include these into your stock. Refrigerate your stock to form a delicious jelly. You can roast the bones before you simmer them for a nuttier flavour. When your stock has solidified there will be a layer of fat from the marrow at the top.  Do not discard this as it is highly nutritious. Include in your stock or use it as dripping and for frying.
Our beef is certified as Organic and Pasture-for-Life. Organic and Pasture-for-Life beef has been proven to be an important source of Omega 3 and more nutrient dense in comparison to “conventionally” fed Beef which is part-grain/cereal and part-grass fed.
The research paper can be found here.*

“Whilst differences between non-organic and organic systems are not new, this is the first record of the extra benefit if cattle are fed 100% -forage diets throughout their life. Their meat ought to be recognised as a ‘source of long chain n-3′, especially relevant for societies with limited fish consumption.”

*Our beef was used in the trials
  Feed additive-free and Bovaer-free beef. Organic and Pasture-for-Life standards prohibit the use of Bovaer.