Butchery Courses

Butchery Courses at Peelham Farm

We are making a change to our Butchery Course bookings.

Unfortunately we can no longer take individual online bookings, we can only take bookings for a complete course. Your course can be for up to 6 people. Please contact us to arrange your course dates and book at shop@peelham.co.uk

We are happy to answer any queries you have at shop@peelham.co.uk

The course cost is £1470 for up to 6 students (for 6 that works out at £245 / participant)

We have made these changes because of the growing challenges of running our exclusively small craft butchery courses (6-7 on each course). The matching of individual applications to the necessarily pre-fixed course dates has proved challenging so we are now doing this on an individual basis.

Small and exclusive equals ‘expensive’ for  our customers! We need to have four on each course to run them viably. When we can’t viably run course dates we disappoint customers, which we consider unacceptable.

The courses will still remain small, exclusive and fully hands-on for each participant. If you are interested in making a block booking for family or friends or both (for up to 6), please email for more detail providing possible dates. 

Unfortunately we can no longer take individual online bookings, we can only take bookings for a complete course. Your course can be for up to 6 people. Please contact us to arrange your course dates and book at shop@peelham.co.uk